AM-Site Evaluation Presentation Summary

In the mid-rotation evaluation site visit, I presented two cases on cervical radiculopathy and angina pectoris. For the angina pectoris patient, he was a 65 years old male who was suffering from multiple episodes of pain as pressure and tightness. I think the case was interesting because the patient was experienced a classic presentation of stable angina. We did the ECG in office which show regular sinus rhythm, and then sent the patient to the ED for further work up and evaluation. My site evaluator, Professor Malavet, also discussed the patient disposition, which I found to be very helpful. Then I got quizzed on patient’s current medications.

In the final evaluation site visit, I also presented two cases, one is on otitis externa, the other is on uncomplicated UTI. Due to the limited interview time we had in the urgent care setting, we only did urine strip test for her. However, Professor Malavet and I also talked about what else we could have done for the patient, such as urine culture, pelvic exam, and all the other possible differential that we should have ruled out. After the case presentation, I also presented an article on antibiotic-associated diarrhea treatment. I chose to present this article because it was one of the most recent study done on the effectiveness of probiotic therapy in patients with AAD. Lastly, I also got quizzed on the pharm cards.

My site evaluator did not comment much on the way I presented my SOAP note HPI. However, he gave a lot of useful comments on the physical exam write up. This will be very beneficial and applicable to my future rotations when I report the significant physical findings.

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