IM-Site Evaluation Presentation Summary

Same like the site evaluation of last rotation, I always started by getting quizzed on my pharm cards. During each quiz of the pharm cards, professor Herel also discussed more details about the medications I chose to help me better understanding of each drugs. For example, Albuterol, I know the labeled indication is used for patient with bronchospasm, and the off-label indication including hyperkalemia treatment. Professor Herel explained to me that the usually dosage for bonchospasm treatment is 2 puffs inhaled. However, for hyperkalemia patient, we will give them 10 puffs inhaled to correct their high potassium status.

After testing my pharm cards, I presented my H&P. My first case was about a patient complaining of weakness and numbness on her right leg. The highly suspected diagnosis is CVA. Therefore, this patient was admitted to the hospital for more advanced check up to rule out or confirm CVA. When I presenting, I only focused on the day I interviewed her. However, professor Herel suggested that I can give more follow up information, for example, since MRI brain and Echo was ordered for this patient, how those results help to rule in or rule out the CVA, and what’s the final diagnosis and treatment after we got her imaging reports. And he also gave a lot of useful comments on the way that the patient should had been evaluated. This will be very beneficial and applicable to my future rotations when I am generating a list of differential and evaluation for the patients. Therefore, I prepared my second H&P by adding more follow up information to try to give my audience more completed details about my presenting case.  In addition, my site evaluator also went over the important points for the SBO and other common diseases after my classmate presented his case, which I found to be very helpful.

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